The Route

Approximatly 3 500 miles through 13 countries and over 2 mountain ranges, 1 of them twice. I aim to raise £3 500 for cancer research. Thats £1 for every mile I plan on covering. Please support me by following the link to my just giving web site.

Blog Archive

Hello Andorra

Well hello guys. I am now chilling out with my first beer in ages updating this web site. I have now covered 1027 miles so that puts me somewhere in paying off Slapton. Read on to hear of my adventures.

Friday 30th March (Rest Day)

Not much to say about Zaragoza really. I had a nice relaxed time walking around and found a nice cake shop, which I happened to visit more than once.

Saturday 31st March (Day 14)

What a day. I did a lot more cycling than intended. I set off at 10am with the wind behind me. The first bit was a climb to over 600m. But on the way I saw something that reminded me of Cornwall.
I think they look very much like the three bladed vepa´s just out side Delabole. Any way after that the descent was great due to the tail wind and I really clocked up some km´s. I thought that while the weather was good and I had the energy since I was well rested I should push on.

When I got to Balaguer my revised destination due to good conditions, I found that there was no hostel and only a hotel. It was starting to get dark but there was a camp site a further 10km along my route so again I pushed on in the dark. When I got there I found that it was 5km down a dead end so I though I can not be bothered with that, I will carry on till I find a good place to wild camp. Found a nice spot by a river and picthed my tent at 10pm after covering 204km (127miles). It was quite a comfertable night apart from the sounds of a wild hog of some kind rooting around my tent. Next time I wild camp I am going to make sure that my knife is by my side.

Sunday April 1st (Day 15)

Very, very, very wat night so quite a damp start to the day. Woke up to nice views of the Rio Serge which I camped next to.

I was quite tierd this day and with the weather I was soaked and quite cold. Needless to say motivation was at a low point. When I got to a place called Tremp at 3pm I gave up after only covering 40km, but considering the average over 2 days still pretty good. It was Sunday and every thing was closed. I could see snow on the hills around me which are only 800m high so I started to seriously question my planned route through Andorra. If there is snow at 800m and I was cold and wet, what is it going to be like at 2400m through Andorra. Not a good day, when I was in the hostel I took my trainers off and there was a lake of water in rach one.

Monday 2nd April (Day 16)

What a difference a day makes. It was nice and bright out side when I got up. First thing I had to do was to repair a puncher that I must of picked up from the previos day. When I finally got going it was into a visious head wind. It was so strong I had to cycle down hill otherwise I would of stopped. The plan was to attemp a pass at 1300m to assess the conditions and see if the pass across Andorra was possible. It was fine, only a trace of snow at 1300m and some grat down hill sections on the other side. I did not have to peddle for 10km. Some good views as well. Saw some thing on the road that reminded me of Andy´s t-shirt.

At the end of this my spirits where lifted especially when I saw a sign that said Andorra 37km so I pushed on. Along the way I passed a very special point. 1609.3km, thats 1000miles to you and I so I had a little selibration (A kiwi fruit)

I found a camp site 13km short of the boarder so I pitched ny tent there for the night.

Tuesday 3rd April (Day 17)

I am most happy now because I am now out of Spain. It was just such a huge obsticle in my way. I crossed into Andorra at 12pm and have had a huge smile on my face since.

I think I will chill out for a couple of days here and go snow boarding. Only done it once before. It would be more fun with others, but by myself at least no one will laugh at me. I´ll try and get a comedy video though. Just thought, I did not opt for winter sports on my travel insurance. I am sure I´ll be fine.
Final point, how happy am I that I have found jaffa cakes

Cheers guys, I´ll keep you posted