WOW and OW. Ow as in the damage to my wallet, and ow as the damage to my ass, knee and various other extremities. What a fun day though, I hardly got any sleep last night, I was like a kid on christmas eve. Got there relativly early to get the equipment sorted. I have only been snowboarding once before and that was 5 years ago. I could not work out how to put it on at first so I had to position my self next to another snowboarder to work it out. Had a little play around.
I then ventured to the magic carpet. I have a bit of a phobia about these things because memories of my first attemp getting on one of these things came flooding back to me. I caused a bit of a mass pile up due to falling over when trying to get off it. But all was good this time round. Had a go at this a couple of times and all was good.
But I could not remember any thing from 5 years ago so I thought I better get a bit of a lesson. It was a bit costly, but at least it was on a one to one basis. Since I had some basic skills he took straight to the chair lift. Considering that I am not to good around heights, I loved it. I then had a couple runs with him down this larger slope and all was good and thast was the hour. So I spent the rest of the day going up on the chair lift ,which incidently I never mastered the dismount. Mine was more of a slide, fall and then roll over out of the way before the next chair came alone.
After which when I managed to get to my feet I then boarding down the slope. Much fun.
All was good and on one attemp I was going down quite fast for me, and you can probably guess what happened next. I stacked it big time and it knocked the wind out of me for a bit and causes a few minor bumps. When I got to the bottom it was 3pm so I thought I would have one last go since I was getting a bit tiered. Probably a mistake because I could not stay up right. All skill had been lost in a haze of tieredness.
Over all a thougherly enjoyable day, but I have descided to leave it there. Reasons:
1) Due to the cost of the day and hire of eqipment.
2) I am worried that I will have an injury that would affect my ability to cycle. I just kept thinking of how it took my ankle 2 months to heel after that game of hocky at new year and there was a twinge or two in it today.
3) Finially even though I had graet fun, I see it as a more social event and since none of you guys were there I think I will just leave it as a good day out.
Now people I am going to have to ask for your forgiveness. I have descided not to attemp the pass over Andorra. Seeing the amount of snow today at 2000m (a depth of about 1m), I´m thinking that the pass at 2400m will be a little bit dodgy on a fully laiden touring bike. Possibly a bit of ice as well. So I am going to go for the 1300m pass. The bad thing about this is that I am going to have to back track for 20km to Spain to get on the road that I need. But I feel it is the safer more practicle option. I want to go extreem but it is probably to much. It is still a pass in the Pyrenees, I´ll try and make up for it in the Alps. The one good thing I can say about have to back track is that tomorrow I will have cycled in 3 countries in one day. Start in Andorra, go though a bit of Spain and cross into France some time in the afternoon.
Please follow the link to sponsor me
The Route
Approximatly 3 500 miles through 13 countries and over 2 mountain ranges, 1 of them twice. I aim to raise £3 500 for cancer research. Thats £1 for every mile I plan on covering. Please support me by following the link to my just giving web site.