The Route

Approximatly 3 500 miles through 13 countries and over 2 mountain ranges, 1 of them twice. I aim to raise £3 500 for cancer research. Thats £1 for every mile I plan on covering. Please support me by following the link to my just giving web site.

Blog Archive

Lands End to John O' Groats (2005)

This was the big adventure to date, something that I had wanted to do for years. I have always liked exploring by cycling, but this was the ride that started me thinking of setting my sites higher. Cycling is such a great way to see the country around you, it just passes by to quickly by car and walking takes to long. This ride was a fantastic 3 weeks of my life. I did not see many other cyclists on the 'End to End' as it's popularly known, but that's because I chose what I like to call the geographers route. This being going via the most southerly and northerly points and taking 3 days off cycling on route so I could climb Snowdon, Scarfell Pike and Ben Nevis. The result was that I did not really see many people on some of the days because of the remoteness of the route. Here are a few photo's to help illustrate that.