The Route

Approximatly 3 500 miles through 13 countries and over 2 mountain ranges, 1 of them twice. I aim to raise £3 500 for cancer research. Thats £1 for every mile I plan on covering. Please support me by following the link to my just giving web site.

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Yak sie miewa?

People I am in Poland. I have now covered 3972 miles and in a place called Sopot on the coast. Quite an interesting week with very mixed emotions. I am finding motivation in the mornings very hard. I have been on the bike now for almost 3 months. I think I can say that I have proven that I am capeble of travelling by myself. Should not say proven, but I can be 99.9% confident. I do not know how many degrees of fredom I have though.

The main point is that I am really tired, mentially, emotionally and physically. It gets light just after 4am so bang goes any chance of a lay in, in the tent. I would take some more rest days but I am starting to get worried about how much time I have got left. I still have 1000 miles to go and I have to try and sort out a visa for Russia yet. I also have an invite to Helsinki from the cool "Finnish" couple who featured in a previous post which I would like to take them up on. So I have to do all of this and try to be back to the UK for no later than the 17th July. I would like to get back a week earlier than that so I could see some friends in London I have not seen for a bit before I head to the west country for my 30th. So as you can see lots on the mind.

Any way this week, as I said I am in Poland and it has been a graet week. It has kept my spirits up and that is not because of the vodka. As soon as I crossed the border I headed north to the cost. I love mountains and rivers but there is something about the coast that calms me. Laying down on the beach and as you move your shoulders you shape the sand under you whilst listening to the waves with your eyes closed. I can not think of anything more relaxing. So for the past 4 nights I have had a stroll on the beach with the sand between my toes then popped into a bar for a couple of beers. Graet thing about a 20 pound a day buget in Poland, it goes a long way. I am having trouble spending all of it. The beer has been as little as 80p for a pint, and also I have been eating out since I arrived at the Polish coast. I had just about enough of cooking pasta and pesto. It is great but after almost 3 months it is time for a change. So that is why I really like Poland, it has been really good to me. The beach, cheap beer and eating out. I have definatly done this trip in the right dirrection. The pound is going to go quite far for the rest of my trip so I will eat out more whilst having a couple of beers.

Any way you probably want to see photo's. Since I have already seemed to of written alot. You are only going to get a sentance or two about each photo.

Monday 4th June (Day63)

The reception at the camp site I stayed in was closed, unlukly for them, lucky for me I did not have to pay. I had to wash in the lake though (no tokens for the shower). This was my last night in Germany and the camp site also has a cool tree

Tuesday 5th June (Day 64)

You can just about see the river that is the border Germany and Poland
Just incase you forgot what side you were on there was a helpful reminder every 100 meters.
This bridge was the border crossing into Poland.
I did not get to the beach on my first night in Poland, my camp site was right next to this rather nice estuary at Dabie.
Wednesday 6th June (Day 65)

Funny point of the day, I fell off my bike. It was one of those comedy moments where my foot was still in the footstrap at a T-junction. There was lots of sand on the road and with my bike carring all the weight it is my front tyre really dug in and as it started to slide it turned to the left and my centre of gravity was more on the right side. I was just glad I did not have any keys in my pockets or it could of been much worse.

Any way I soon passed this just after that and I thought we could send the image to Stonehouse District Council. For former Soviet peoples housing, they have done a good paint job.
At the end of the day I made it to the beach, a place called Dziwnowek.
Thursday 7th June (Day 66)

Saw this little charecter in the morning that was walking him self along the road. When ever a car came along he would jump up on the curb.
He just reminded me of the Littlest Hobo. I could not help but think that he was on his was to help some poor 12 year old boy who's mother was seriously ill so he had to look after his 4 year old sister all by him self. I had the theme tune in my head for the rest of the day.

The front wheel has been a bit bumpy for the past week or so and it was getting worse so I descided I would take a look. When I did I saw this.
This is a relativly new tyre but the rim has worn through the tyre wall. Good job I checked or I could of had a major blow out. I had to put the old one back on that I had be carring as a back up. Only problem is it has only got about another couple of mm's of wear left in it. Bummer because that new one would of lasted for the rest of the trip. So that is another tyre I will have to get, as well as that spoke that I still have not got sorted out yet.

But this is the day when I has a good feed in a retaurant,
and saw a pretty cool sunset down on the beach.

Friday 8th June (Day 67)

I really like this Polish coast line, but I fear for its future. There are some really nice streaches that look like this,
But then along comes property development and it will all be looking like this
I saw quite a few of those developments along the way, but the best thing I saw was this.
I want to build and live in one of these. How cool does that look? I know Sam would like it, how's that for a shed?

Tom one for you, check out those anvil topped cumulos clouds
Saturday 9th June (Day 68)

When I had a walk along the beach I say some nice art work on the Rip-Rap. It gave me some ideas for Beesands over the summer.
And check out these bad boys, puts Sunnydale's to shame
Sorry to non Slapton or FSC people with reference to geography or biology related topics.

Sunday 10th June (Day 69)

I wander if you get your meals served in those classic airline packaging. I bet you do not get much leg room at the table as well
I got a little stressed when the cycle path just stopped, so I had to back track a couple of km's. Not best pleased.
And this is where I am now in Sopot

The plan now, probably another 6 days of cycling in Poland heading east under the funny little bit of Russia then cross into Lithuania.

That is all people.
